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Doug Dustin Talks Employee Benefits in 'Radio Entrepreneurs' Podcast Episode

In a recent episode of Radio Entrepreneurs, Doug Dustin shared insights on topics such as market volatility and the importance of communication when it comes to employee benefits.

As Doug explained, many "people are definitely concerned" about the state of their retirement savings. However, he believes in shifting people's mindsets so they actually expect these changes in the market. Doug encourages people to stick "to their plan and what they want to do in the long term" without letting "day-to-day swings influence what their plans are." 

Considering the complex nature of employee benefits, Doug recommends employers find help from an external party to help navigate their administration. He highlights the importance of keeping senior leadership up to date on what is happening in the market so they are well informed when making decisions.

Interested in learning more? Watch the full podcast episode on Radio Entrepreneurs.

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