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Investing During Your Highest-Earning Years

While the importance of investing for retirement over a lifetime should not be discounted, the middle, highest-earning years of an individual's life are often not given enough credit. Decisions made during this critical time could have a dramatic impact on one's future retirement portfolio.

Ryan Petti explains the importance of investing in your future during this time, as he recommends keeping an emergency fund and contributing 10% to 15% of your gross pay to your retirement account. People in their 40s and 50s face a range of different life circumstances, which is why Ryan argues investment decisions need to be tailored to the individual.

“Some may be preparing to pay for college, some may be getting ready for kids to move out of the house, and others may have their sights set on retirement,” said Ryan Petti. “Everyone has different situations, calling for different investment decisions.”

Interested in learning more? Check out the full article on page 42 of the October edition of Better Investing here.

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